Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Double Rainbow

Have you ever seen a double rainbow?

We did!~

Last March 28, my mom called out saying she's seen two rainbows. I hurried outside to see it.
And it's true!!! 

These photos were not edited but they were enhanced (contrast). As you all know, I don't have special editing software except for Picasa 3. I refuse to have such software because I don't know how to use it. :( 

Anyway, it was an unforgettable phenomenon. And I feel very blessed to witness one. :)


  1. this isn't unusual ^^ I've seen these lots of times, almost every time i see a rainbow a second one appeaars, but it's usually quite vague so not many people see it ^^ Did you see my rainbow picture i posted a few days ago? If you look closely you can see the second rainbow as well :)

    1. Aaaaw... I really got so excited about this. :) Quite an unusual sighting for us because we don't see a single one that often. We have hot weather and it seldom rain here. You are the luckiest girl I know!~ ^_^

  2. How wonderful for you. I have seen a couple of them in my life. Yes you Blessed.... Thank You for the pictures.. :)

    1. Thank you!~ Pardon me, I just got so excited. ^_^


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